Projects & Pilots

As a backbone organization for child well-being, BBF often convenes stakeholders and community members on issues that are important to children and families. Below are examples of some of these key initiatives.


VIP B-5 Vermont's 2023-2025 Preschool Development Grant

Vermont has been awarded a $23 million federal grant to strengthen the state’s early childhood system, support the early childhood workforce, and improve the quality and availability of services for children from birth to age 8. Learn more about the Vermont Integration Project: Building Integration in Vermont’s Birth-5 Early Childhood Systems (VIP B-5)


Vermont Early Childhood Fund

Building Bright Futures is pleased to announce the Vermont Early Childhood Fund, providing grants of $10,000-$20,000 to support creative solutions that will improve the well-being of children (prenatal-age 8) and families, as well as the Vermont communities in which they live.

Vermont Child Care and Early Childhood Education Systems Analysis

The goal of Vermont’s Child Care and Early Childhood Education Systems Analysis (ECSA) is to examine the systems that govern and administer childcare and early childhood education and use this information to make recommendations to improve functionality and promote optimal outcomes for children and families.

Early Childhood & Family Mental Health

The Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Task Force was formed to explore ways to use common language and visuals as a step toward creating a more integrated mental health system serving children and families.


The Early MTSS-123 Project

The Early MTSS-123 Project is piloting a regional support team model to promote the Pyramid Model and Strengthening Families Frameworks.

Building Vermont’s Future From the Child Up

Building Vermont’s Future From the Child Up represents a multi-year effort to explore and develop recommendations for the future of early care and learning systems in Vermont.


Early Care and Learning Household Study

BBF, the Vermont Agency of Human Services’ Child Development Division, and Let’s Grow Kids commissioned a survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University of Chicago to answer key questions about child care in Vermont, with insights into child care arrangements, needs, and preferences of Vermont families.


Substance Use & Opioid Task Force

Substance Use Disorders can have a profound influence on the lives of people and their families, particularly their children. Young children are especially affected because of exposure during the prenatal period, exposure to toxins and toxic stress in their home environment as they grow and develop, and the impact of substances on their family’s capacity to parent and their community’s capacity to support them during their most critical years of development.


Blue Ribbon Commission

Purpose: (1) to inventory and review reports and recommendations issued over the past 10 years relating to high-quality, affordable child care; (2) to determine the elements inherent in all quality child care programs; and (3) to make recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor on the most effective use of existing public funding and additional opportunities.


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