
Wonderful video from Vermont Public’s Nina Keck

Screenshot of Vermont Public video showing reporter Nina Keck with text "What's it take to hike Pico Mountain every day for a year? Nina Keck finds out."

My dad, Randy Crossman, completed 365 Pico Mountain hikes in 362 days, finishing the endeavor on June 18, 2022, and raising over $18,000 for Building Bright Futures in the process. I was so moved to watch this video from Vermont Public about the project. Reporter Nina Keck hiked Pico with my dad and chatted with him about what motivated him to keep going through all kinds of weather and despite all sorts of challenges.

I’m so grateful to my dad and so proud of the work we do at Building Bright Futures to help Vermont children and families. Many of us at BBF shed a tear or two watching the video. We hope you’ll watch and share!

It’s not too late to donate in honor of Randy Crossman if you feel moved to. Thank you!

—Morgan Crossman, Executive Director, Building Bright Futures

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