Data and Evaluation Committee

The Data and Evaluation Committee is working towards Goal 4 of the VECAP: To build an early childhood system that is integrated, well-resourced, and data-informed.

The committee is charged with prioritizing the vision for, and progress towards, data integration; creating and monitoring a data development agenda and priorities for Vermont’s Early Childhood System (prenatal through age 8); serving as the accountability mechanism to monitor progress toward the 4 goals of the VECAP; and serving as a primary advisor for research, data, and evaluation efforts. The committee executes this charge by convening data stewards, agency leaders, and content and evaluation experts to discuss the strategy, challenges, capacity, and infrastructure in place, or needed, to consistently use evidence and high-quality data to inform policy and programs within Vermont’s early childhood system.

The committee has identified the following three priorities:

  1. Early Childhood Data Development Agenda
  2. Monitor and guide Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan (VECAP)
  3. Serve as a primary advisory body for data initiatives

The Data and Evaluation Committee meets virtually on a quarterly basis on the third Thursday in March, June, September, and December. Contact for meeting information.

Upcoming Meetings

Meeting Notes

Committee Membership

Public Partners & Data Stewards

  • Vermont Agency of Education
  • Vermont Agency of Human Services
    • Department for Children and Families
      • Child Development Division
        • Children’s Integrated Services
      • Economic Services Division
      • Family Services Division
      • Head Start Collaboration Office
    • Department of Health
      • Maternal and Child Health
    • Department of Mental Health
  • Department of Labor
  • Vermont Commission on Women

Academic Partners & Data Stewards

  • Community College of Vermont
  • University of Vermont: Center for Disability and Community Inclusion
  • University of Vermont: Department of Education
  • Vermont Child Health Improvement Program (VCHIP)

Private Partners & Data Stewards

  • Child Care Aware of America
  • Education Development Center
  • Hunger Free Vermont
  • Let’s Grow Kids
  • Public Assets
  • Vermont Association for Education of Young Children (VTAEYC)
  • Voices for Vermont’s Children

Private Philanthropic & Other Community Partners (as needed)

  • A.D. Henderson Foundation
  • Turrell Fund
  • Vermont Business Roundtable & other business partners

VECAP Committee Consultants:

  • Child Outcomes Accountability Team
  • Early Childhood Interagency Coordinating Team (ECICT)
  • Early Childhood Investment
  • Early Learning and Development
  • Families and Communities
  • Professional Preparation and Development

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