
Springfield Area Regional Recap, February 2020

The Springfield Area Regional Council recently co-hosted a couple of trainings to support early childhood providers increase knowledge and better support children and families.  One of these trainings was an Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social and Emotional (ASQ:SE) where providers learned the differences between the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: 3rd edition (ASQ:3) especially the different ways the ASQ:SE is scored and when and how to use the assessment.  The council also co-hosted a Play training along with the Same Page Initiative.  Participants learned about the importance of play, different types of play and how to infuse play into your work.  The afternoon was filled with brainstorming ways to support each other bringing play into different early childhood settings.

At our council meetings we again discussed play and how it promotes family wellbeing, increases protective factors and helps build resilience.  There seems to be many different groups and organization in the Springfield Area Region that are also focusing on play or positive family experiences, and so the need for coordination arose.  The council also discussed data from the How Are Vermont’s Young Children and Families report and discussed what Family Engagement is.  Some critical aspects of family engagement the council saw were respect and choice.  There was a discussion using an article looking at how different fields define family engagement.  The council also discussed how they do family engagement such as through parenting workshops and the BBF team.

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