
Opportunities to inform early childhood development and education policy – survey and recording now available

Building Bright Futures’ (BBF) mission is to improve the well-being of children and families in Vermont by using evidence to inform policy and bringing voices together across sectors and within regions to discuss critical challenges and problem-solve. Alongside the production of 4 statewide early childhood reports and resources, BBF’s network infrastructure captures and produces the perspective from families as well as early childhood stakeholders and leaders across all sectors quickly and efficiently to the Legislature and Agency Leadership.


Over the last two months, the Governor and Agency Leadership proposed a plan for how to move forward on a cradle-to-career vision. The February 22 State Advisory Council meeting included a presentation from Education Secretary French and DCF Commissioner Brown. The recording from that meeting is available here

Watch the recording of the February 22 State Advisory Council

The BBF State Advisory Council invites you to participate in an anonymous survey to elevate the voice of families and early childhood stakeholders. The survey is part of a larger information gathering effort including:

  • A review of existing data;
  • Bringing together experts across sectors and regions;
  • Hosting small group discussions at the February 22 State Advisory Council;
  • Presenting the findings to policy-makers and stakeholders.

BBF’s ultimate goal in this effort is to generate additional evidence to inform programs, service provision and policy for children and families in Vermont. The Building Bright Futures State Advisory Council (SAC) does not directly support or oppose any specific proposal or bill, however, BBF is well positioned, using our collective impact approach, to determine where we have consensus among state-wide partners and where we encounter the biggest roadblocks that impede forward progress.

Please contact us with any questions at Click here to participate in the survey to inform early childhood and development policy by March 5th.

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