
Our New Brief on the Vermont Family Leadership Mapping Project

Two parents and two young children smiling

Today we published a brief on the Vermont Family Leadership Mapping Project. The brief is based on information we gathered through the 2024 Family Leadership Inventory, a survey of opportunities for parents and caregivers to advise on statewide policymaking and system-wide efforts. The brief identifies key Family Leadership Mapping Project findings and explores their significance for policymaking and decision-making.

We also released a new Family Leadership Dashboard where you can find all the family leadership opportunities we identified in the course of the project. The dashboard can be used by parent representatives, parent leaders, and agencies incorporating family and parent leadership in their practices.

Building Bright Futures is charged to maintain and monitor the vision and strategic plan for Vermont’s early childhood system, Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan (VECAP). Goal #2 of the VECAP is that families and communities play a leading role in children’s well-being. One way to work towards the goal of maximizing parent and family engagement and leadership in the system is to understand existing statewide opportunities.

The Vermont Family Leadership Mapping Project is also part of the Preschool Development Grant (PDG). Through PDG Activity 3.1, BBF is working with state partners to increase opportunities for family leaders, elevate family voice in early childhood decision-making, and build a shared vision for how to sustainably support family partnership in Vermont’s early childhood system. The Vermont Family Leadership Mapping Project is one key deliverable of that effort.

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