
Bennington Recap June 2019

Beautiful innocent little girl playing in hay smiling cutely.

The Bennington Council continued to explore the data dilemma.  How do we as a region understand the richness of the data that we have, how do we use it to assess and improve programs? One of the issues is that we are looking for short-term data, which does not really tell the region about efficacy of programs or the outcomes.  Bennington will infuse the data discussion into the Council agenda when it is appropriate.  We will be working to develop a way to move beyond quantitative and develop qualitative measures.

June is always a month to celebrate the work of the Bennington region as well as have reports from the groups that received direct services grants.  The funds for these come from our Parent Child Center, Sunrise.  The Council receives proposals and determines the grant awards each year.  Each proposal must have a direct link to the Bennington Regional Plan. In June, we hear the reports and always realize how a small amount of funding can make a difference for the children and families of Bennington.  The PCC master grant also supports community playgroups hosted by partners in addition to the grants.

This year, five grants served the region.

  • Bennington County Child Care Association’s Family Fair
    • Regional Priority
      • All children are in quality early childhood settings
      • Provide opportunities to develop a positive relationship with children and their families
    • The family fair has appropriate activities and information about community resources
  • Bennington Free Library- Book Express Boxes
    • Regional Priority
      • Children are Learning with a direct connection to the VELS
    • 10 additional book theme boxes with 5 for infant and toddlers
    • Deliveries are made monthly to all area child care sites below Arlington
  • Catamount Connections-Nurturing Moms
    • Regional Priority
      • Children are supported by their families and communities
    • A facilitated support group using the Postpartum Support International Framework
    • Parents will be screened for maternal depression
    • Families will have access to resources or information on how to access them
  • Quality Task Force -Professional Development – FLIP-it Training
    • Regional Priority
      • Continued professional development & building a common culture and language
    • 2 half day sessions on Devereux FLIP-it model including a Saturday morning for home providers
      • Early childhood professionals will receive 3.5 hours of training credit
      • Access to Devereux training modules
    • Readsboro Pre-School -Parent Training and Playgroups
      • Regional Priority
        • Children and families are supported
        • Provide opportunities to develop a positive relationship with children and their families
        • Ensure that children’s social emotional needs are met informally and formally
      • Parenting classes using the Strengthening Families Framework
      • Four classes for parents and five playgroups for children and their caregivers.

The work in Bennington will continue over the summer.  There will be 3 groups assessing the regional plan using Children are Healthy, Children are Learning, and Children and Families are Supported as the measures.  The current regional plan is still active and used.  It is always important to ensure that the plan is current and viable.


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