

April 1, 2019

Orleans/N. Essex Recap, March 2019

The Orleans/Northern Essex region is in the midst of a staffing transition. Dawn Powers has stepped into an exciting role as the Director of the NEKCA Parent Child Center. BBF […]

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April 1, 2019

Southeast Vermont Recap, March 2019

Thank you to the Windham County Legislators who were able to come to the Early Childhood Day at the Legislature lunch on Wednesday and to all of you for being […]

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April 1, 2019

Springfield Area Recap, March 2019

The Springfield Area Regional Council spent its February meeting learning about the Department of Children and Families Family Services role in our community.  We learned about what was in statue […]

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Regional Council Recap

April 1, 2019

Northern Windsor & Orange Recap, March 2019

The Northern Windsor and Orange County Regional Council identified “Increase awareness of early childhood positions available and training options to support workforce recruitment and retention“ as a priority for the […]

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March 25, 2019

How Families Stay Strong

Speaking to a legislator earlier this session, I came to realize that not everyone knows about the significant integrated approach to prevention the state and a large number of partner […]

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March 18, 2019

Updating the Statewide Early Childhood Plan

In 2014, Building Bright Futures crafted the Early Childhood Action Plan (ECAP), which codifies statewide strategies to realize the six goals for early childhood identified in the Early Childhood Framework. […]

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March 5, 2019

February 2019 State Advisory Council Recap

The February SAC meeting kicked off with organizational updates on the Executive Director Hiring Process and term limits for the council Co-Chairs. In March, the SAC will vote on a […]

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February 25, 2019

What is Early MTSS?

Those of you in the field of early education have most likely heard the buzz or perhaps even attended a training to learn more about Early MTSS. The Early Multi-Tiered […]

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