
Addison Recap July 2019

In June the Addison BBF Council paused to review the Regional Action Plan by considering the challenges, opportunities and successes of the region. The council focused on community partners and support for existing projects having the greatest impact on children and families. There was much crossover with the work of the Addison Integrated Family Services team.

A tremendous success has been the roll out of the Resiliency campaign. Data from schools and organizations serving children show low levels of resiliency among youth and a feeling of being undervalued in their communities which is undermining their belief in themselves and their ability to handle life’s inevitable challenges.

Addison County Parent Child Center, Building Bright Futures, the Counseling Service of Addison County, the Vermont Department of Health, the Vermont Department of Children and Families, all three Addison County school districts and many other groups and individuals have joined together, launching a public awareness and education campaign for youth resiliency.

“OK, You Got This” is based on the work of Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg and his book “Building Resilience in Children and Teens; Giving them Roots and Wings.”  The program was introduced to community partners in October of 2018 and a public introduction with storytelling from local youth was held in November of the same year. Since then a website, full of resources for families  has been developed:, and also a Facebook page: There have been several parenting workshops held at area elementary schools, a de-stress for the holidays workshop, and several other public events. Information has been shared in newsletters, at meetings and in waiting rooms and other locations around the county.

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