
A video message from Sen. Ruth Hardy and Anna Brouillette

Video thumbnail of Anna in front of Vermont State House

To mark the start of the 2024 session of the Vermont General Assembly, BBF Policy and Program Director Anna Brouillette recorded this message with Senator Ruth Hardy.

In the video, Anna highlights how the BBF Network develops annual Policy Recommendations and how our team will use this year’s Policy Recommendations during the legislative session. Sen. Hardy shares why the Policy Recommendations are useful to legislators, policymakers, and the general public.

“As a policymaker who focuses on education, early childhood education, and human services, I want to make sure that I have good guidance from people who have expertise around the state in what is best for children and families… So I highly recommend that you take a look at the Policy Recommendations.” —Senator Ruth Hardy

Video thumbnail of Anna in front of Vermont State House

Watch the video

The 2024 Policy Recommendations include: 

  • Investing in evidence-based strategies for supporting families during the perinatal period (from pregnancy through one year after birth)
  • Enacting a paid family and medical leave program
  • Investing in statewide family leadership opportunities
  • Increasing access to developmental and behavioral screenings
  • And more!

Visit our Policy Recommendations page to find the full text of the 2024 Policy Recommendations and our 2024 Policy Playbook, which explains what the Policy Recommendations mean, what they matter, and how they can be used to inform policymaking and decision-making for Vermont’s children and families.

As the legislative session begins here in Vermont this week, our team is already advising the legislature on topics related to the early childhood system. Yesterday, BBF’s Executive Director, Morgan Crossman, testified in the Vermont House Committee on Human Services on our role in monitoring the implementation of Act 76. Watch Morgan’s testimony here.

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