
3 more days to take Family Needs Assessment

The Early Childhood Family Needs Assessment developed by BBF’s Families and Communities Committee closes on Saturday, October 15! This is an anonymous survey that we are asking Vermont parents and guardians with children under 9 years old to complete. So far, we have over 500 responses from families with young children across the state.

If you are a parent or guardian of a young child, please complete the survey now!

The Families and Communities Committee thoughtfully developed the survey to gather feedback from Vermont families with young children on their experiences accessing services and support within the state’s Early Childhood System. We are excited to elevate the important stories and data we gather from this survey to inform policy and decision-making in the state’s Early Childhood System.

As a partner in our network, we would appreciate your support with sharing the flyer and the link with your communities in the final days of the survey. 

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