State Advisory Council (SAC)

State Advisory Council (SAC)

Vermont’s Early Childhood State Advisory Council is the state’s Governor-appointed, primary advisory body on the well-being of children prenatal through age 8 and their families. Building Bright Futures serves as Vermont’s Early Childhood State Advisory Council (SAC) to inform the Governor, Administration, and Legislature on policy and systems improvements for children and their families.

The SAC brings together early childhood leaders and decision-makers from across sectors to better coordinate and enhance services for young children. The SAC does this in partnership with BBF’s Early Childhood State Advisory Council Network, which includes 12 Regional Councils and 7 VECAP Committees.

The SAC identifies early childhood policy priorities each year and develops annual Policy Recommendations around these priorities, using the VECAP and up-to-date data. Building Bright Futures is Vermont’s early childhood public-private partnership, charged under Vermont Title 33 § Chapter 46 and the Federal Head Start Act (Public Law 110-134).

Join a Meeting

State Advisory Council meetings are open to the public, and you are welcome to attend.

2025-05-19 13:30:00

State Advisory Council Meeting

A young child wearing glasses and smiling as she raises her arms up overhead

2025-07-28 13:30:00

State Advisory Council Meeting

A young boy and his dad fish from a boat on Lake Elmore


The SAC is composed of 27 members, including seven public designated members, two legislators, 15 at-large members, and three non-voting members who work together to issue recommendations, increase coordination and collaboration, and advance a more connected, integrated, and equitable early childhood system.

Meet the SAC