We are updating Vermont’s strategic plan for early childhood!
What Is Vermont’s Early Childhood Strategic Plan?
Currently known as “Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan (VECAP),” this is an important plan that brings together different parts of the early childhood system to help young children and their families be healthy, safe, happy, and successful now and in the future. It aims to create a strong system that supports kids’ growth and families’ well-being.
The plan makes sure everyone shares responsibility for helping children and families from before birth until they are 8 years old. Started in 2013, the VECAP is updated every five years to help different organizations in Vermont work together better. It focuses on making real improvements in how children grow and learn. This is done by agreeing on common goals, figuring out ways to reach those goals, and shared language across the early childhood system.
The plan outlines the vision, common goals, and strategies that guide the state towards a connected, equitable, high-quality system of services for young children and families.
Created by data and resources BBF puts together. Input from committees and from regional councils. All info put together in one place every five years. A body of work monitored and reviewed annually but the document and vision itself is updated on a five year cycle. Current plan has an end date of 2025, so working towards new action plan for 2026 through 2030.
Why Is Community Engagement Important?
One of our goals as we update Vermont’s Early Childhood Strategic Plan is to center Vermont families, the people most impacted by our state’s early childhood systems. One of our first steps in the process will be deep community engagement through a series of photo booth tables, Community Conversations, and immersive experiences with system leaders and parent leaders. We have a particular focus on reaching families and providers who have been historically furthest from opportunity and justice in the early childhood system.
How Can I Get Involved?
- Find BBF’s family photo booth! The #FamilyPhotoBooth campaign is designed to gather words and photos from children, families, and caregivers to inform Vermont’s plans to ensure that Vermont’s youngest children and their families have the support they need to be healthy, safe, and happy.
- Join a Community Conversation! We would love for you to join us for one of these events to share your perspective on Vermont’s early childhood system. Our Community Conversations will last two hours and include refreshments for in-person events. These events will provide an opportunity for families to come together, compare notes on their experiences, and share ideas for improvements to Vermont’s early childhood system.
- Volunteer to participate in an immersive experience! This two-day immersive exchange is a chance for families and state leaders to connect on a deeper level. By sharing your daily experiences, you’ll help state leaders understand what it’s like to navigate Vermont’s early childhood services. Typically, families don’t get the chance to work so closely with system leaders. This unique experience will help bridge that gap, giving state leaders firsthand insight into the strengths and challenges families face. Sometimes, even well-intentioned policies create barriers rather than offering support. Your perspective will be essential to shaping more effective solutions.