VECAP Committees

VECAP Committees

The seven VECAP Committees are guided by the goals and objectives that Vermont has identified as essential in Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan (VECAP). Annually, VECAP Committees elevate gaps and barriers impacting children and families and bring them to the State Advisory Council to inform policy recommendations.

BBF is charged to maintain and monitor Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan (VECAP), the vision and strategic plan for Vermont’s early childhood system. The VECAP helps hold Vermont leaders and decision-makers accountable to working towards the collective vision for the state’s early childhood system: to be an integrated continuum of comprehensive, high-quality services that is equitable, accessible, and improves outcomes for each and every child in the prenatal period through age 8 and their family.

Join a VECAP Committee Meeting

All VECAP Committee meetings are open to the public and you are welcome to attend, except for the Early Childhood Interagency Coordinating Team (ECICT). You can also view recorded meetings on YouTube.

About the VECAP Committees

Child Outcomes Accountability Team (COAT)

The Child Outcomes Accountability Team (COAT) is committed to improving the health and well-being of children and their families by addressing systemic issues and building coordination across the health, mental health, basic needs, and early childhood systems of care.

Data and Evaluation Committee

The Data and Evaluation Committee is charged with prioritizing data integration; creating and monitoring a data development agenda; serving as the accountability mechanism to monitor progress toward the four goals of the VECAP; and serving as a primary advisor for research, data, and evaluation efforts.

Early Childhood Interagency Coordinating Team (ECICT)

The Early Childhood Interagency Coordinating Team is composed of agency leaders committed to identifying and reducing barriers in state government to strengthen the early childhood system. They seek to implement the VECAP and build an integrated continuum of comprehensive, high-quality services.

Early Childhood Investment Committee

The Early Childhood Investment Committee seeks to document and monitor investments in Vermont’s children and families.

Early Learning and Development Committee

The Early Learning and Development Committee is devoted to improving the quality and capacity of services, with a focus on alignment and best practices for children and families from child care through early elementary education.

Families and Communities Committee

The Families and Communities Committee works to develop a statewide approach that enriches and expands family partnership and leadership at the provider, agency, and community levels.

Professional Preparation and Development (PPD) Committee

The Professional Preparation and Development (PPD) Committee’s mission is to develop, coordinate, and promote a comprehensive system of quality learning opportunities for current and prospective early childhood and afterschool professionals.


Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan is a bold, collaborative approach to building a comprehensive and integrated early childhood system that promotes healthy child development and family stability.

Learn More About the VECAP