State Advisory Council Recap, May 2020

The past two SAC meetings have been primarily focused around updates from state agency partners and their activities responding to the COVID-19 crisis. With partners from across Vermont and from many sectors at the table, it has been a good opportunity to share information during a stressful and busy time. The May meeting of the SAC was primarily a business meeting to inform organization development at Building Bright Futures.

The meeting started with a mindfulness activity by Amanda Biggs, Chittenden BBF Coordinator. The first item of business was review of the SAC membership. SAC Co-Chair Chloe Leary reviewed membership and efforts to fill 4 vacancies; including a private health partner, 1 private (could be public school) education partner, a representative from the Vermont Senate and a private undesignated partner. COVID shutdown paused this recruitment, though we’re feeling ready to resume the work to fill these vacancies. Members can serve up to 2 two-year terms. 

Morgan then took the Advisory Council through the proposed budget for FY2021. This budget was built to ensure the continuity of services as Vermont’s foundational early childhood public-private partnership, and it seeks to diversify funding sources to support our work in FY21 and beyond. Some key initiatives for the coming year include some strategic planning via the ECAP Committees in light of the rewrite of the Early Childhood Action Plan, promoting family engagement and leadership through activities covered under the PDG B-5 grant, and identifying and using the most up-to-date, high quality data in our work.  The SAC will vote on the budget in our June meeting.

We then transitioned to a discussion of some of BBF’s ongoing activities.  The update of the Early Childhood Action Plan and also the Needs Assessment has been on hold and will resume; aiming for completion by June 30.  ECAP Committees will be reviewing both documents. One significant change in the ECAP is moving from 6 goals for Vermont’s young children and families to four.  At the July SAC, BBF will host a virtual ECAP Summit where there’s sure to be much discussion of the new ECAP as well as the Needs Assessment.

BBF is launching development of How Are Vermont’s Young Children and Families Report, including a reimagining of the content. In addition to releasing the report earlier in the year (September), we’re aiming for a more concise report with supplemental data housed on the Vermont Insights website. In addition to maintaining some key topic areas and data points, BBF will be adding information on our COVID-19 response, the Needs Assessment, and data on vulnerable children.

There will be a brief June meeting on the 22nd at 1:30.