The Lamoille Valley Early Childhood Regional Council brings together community members committed to young children and families. Regional Councils are guided by Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan, and they identify annual priority actions based on community needs and gaps. The Regional Councils also advise Vermont’s Early Childhood State Advisory Council on opportunities to strengthen both local and statewide systems of care, health, and education. Membership is open to anyone who is invested in the well-being of children and families.
2024–2026 Regional Priorities
1. Child and family mental health: Support early childhood and family mental health at home, in early childhood education and school settings, and in the community. Promote strategies that build a child’s social-emotional development; support a caregiver’s emotional regulation; respond to the mental health workforce crisis; improve access to consultation and crisis services; and prevent the use of exclusionary discipline.
2. Family engagement and support: Representation and voice matter. Families are a key component to informing sound, sensible policy recommendations that improve equitable access to early childhood services. Engage and partner with families to improve systems and services. Expand opportunities for family partnership and leadership at the provider, organizational, and policy levels.
Regional Contact
Upcoming Events
2025-01-14 13:00:00
2025-02-11 13:00:00
Data About Young Children in Lamoille Valley
From The State of Vermont’s Children: 2023 Year in Review report.
Become an Early Childhood Educator
This flyer provides helpful resources and information about how to become an early childhood educator in Vermont.
Stories from Lamoille Valley
BBF Announces Fall 2024 VECF Grant Recipients
Sharing Resources for Families and Educators After Floods