Vermont’s Preschool Development Grant

Vermont’s Preschool Development Grant

Vermont Integration Project: Building Integration in Vermont’s B-5 Early Childhood Systems (VIP B-5)

Vermont is working to build more connected, more effective ways to serve young children and their families. The Vermont Integration Project (VIP B-5) links six Vermont agencies working on 19 activities that improve the early childhood system. VIP B-5 is funded by a three-year (2023–2025) $23 million federal Preschool Development Grant (PDG).

How VIP B-5 is Building a Stronger System

  • Identifying Needs: We documented the biggest needs of children and families by listening to and learning from the experiences of families. We also reviewed existing reports from early childhood partners over the past five years (view the Needs Assessment Directory). We identified common needs across all of these sources. This information will help us plan for the future.
  • Connecting with Families: We’re helping families find resources and leadership opportunities (view the Family Leadership Dashboard). We’re also training childcare providers on how to build strong relationships with parents.
  • Growing the Workforce: We’re offering free training, professional development, and college courses to help more people work in early childhood care and education.
  • Creating Childcare Spots: We’ve awarded Vermont Early Childhood Fund grants to local organizations to create 575 new childcare spots.
  • Increasing Access to Mental Health: We’re training more early child educators in mental health support strategies for children and their families.
  • Focusing on Equity: We’re making sure all programs consider the needs of every child and family, regardless of background.
  • Using Data: We are working on connecting data across the different parts of the early childhood system. This creates a fuller picture of the early childhood system and allows us to make better decisions. We’re also tracking progress on the grant activities to see what’s working and what’s not.
  • Updating the Plan: We’re working on a new strategic plan (Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan, or VECAP) for the early childhood system for 2026 to 2030. We are finding ways to hear more from people from the community about what should be in it.
  • Improving Programs: We’re working on ways to better monitor and improve the quality of child care and early education programs.
  • Learning from Each Other: The different organizations involved in the grant are working together to share information and improve communication. This should make things clearer for child care and early education providers and ultimately benefit the children and families they serve.

1. Needs Assessment

2. Implement & Update VECAP

3. Support Family Leadership

4. Coordinated Intake & Referral (Help Me Grow)

5. Build Strong Family-Child Relationships

6. Identify Barriers to Recruiting Early Childhood Workforce

7. Expand Access to High-Quality Professional Development

8. Implement Early Multi-Tiered System of Supports (Early MTSS)

9. Early Childhood Care & Education Health Consultation

10. Improve Professional Development Using Vermont Early Learning Standards

11. Provisional License Mentoring

12. Continuous Quality Improvement in Universal Pre-K

13. Continuous Quality Improvement in Child Care

14. Early Childhood Data Monitoring & Integration

15. Vermont Early Childhood Fund

16. Support for Children With Disabilities & Specialized Needs

17. Infant, Early Childhood, & Family Mental Health

18. Support Family Child Care Homes

19. Support Data Collection, Measurement, & Monitoring

VIP B-5 Partners

  • Building Bright Futures (BBF)
  • The Child Development Division (CDD)
  • The Department of Health (VDH)
  • The Department of Mental Health (DMH)
  • The Agency of Education (AOE)
  • The Office of Racial Equity (ORE)

Ask a Question

Do you have a question about Vermont Integration Project: Building Integration in Vermont’s B-5 Early Childhood Systems (VIP B-5)? Please submit it here and it will be shared with the PDG Directors, who meet regularly.