Looking Back on a Year of Family Leadership

Building Bright Futures (BBF) works to empower families and elevate their voices. Family leadership is an important part of Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan (VECAP). Goal #2 of the VECAP challenges the system to ensure that families and communities play a leading role in children’s well-being. The BBF Families & Communities Committee (F&CC) works to develop a statewide approach that enriches and expands family partnership and leadership.

Family leaders in the BBF Network join Families & Communities Committee, regional, and state meetings. They participate in learning development opportunities, respond to surveys, and join other committee initiatives. 

The committee intentionally adopts practices and builds structures that allow parents to actively participate in statewide initiatives. The committee has two parent co-chairs and a full-time family leadership manager to support members, plan, and facilitate opportunities. BBF staff have been working on crafting clear guidelines for F&CC members, improving compensation for family leaders, increasing learning opportunities, and strengthening committee members’ connections to the broader BBF Network. 

F&CC members tell us that making connections and finding and utilizing their voices make their participation feel valuable.

“It is a safe space to connect and advocate for my son and myself to help others and our community.” —F&CC Parent Representative

“Seeing my parent thoughts and views reflected in the wider work at BBF and across the state—my voice matters.” —F&CC Parent Representative

In 2024, parent representatives were connected to opportunities to share their voices, learn about advocacy, deepen their care of self, and influence policy recommendations to inform system leaders. In the past year, parent representatives logged over 800 hours participating in BBF activities. We applaud their efforts and would like to spotlight some of their work. 

  • Jocelyn Emilo participates on the Vermont Interagency Coordinating Council to impact early intervention services. Jocelyn presented her family’s story to state leaders at a Children with Special Health Needs meeting.
  • Jen Fortman traveled to California to attend two national conferences.
  • Korinne Harvey continued work as a member of the Prekindergarten Education Implementation Committee. She also joined the Vermont Early Childhood Fund grant review team.
  • Amber Hewston became a State Advisory Council member, holding one of two parent representative seats. Amber wrote an op-ed about family leave that was featured in local papers. She also traveled to Colorado to attend a national conference on early childhood policy with BBF and state partners.
  • Laura Young continued serving on the Vermont Early Childhood Fund grant review team. Laura is also an active participant in her Early Childhood Regional Council and assists with planning family events in her area.

The Families & Communities Committee also strives to strengthen network partner connections. Last year, we worked with state and national partners to develop our understanding of equitable family leadership practices and the landscape of parent leadership. The F&CC hosted a Grand Rounds Seminar on Family Leadership focused on promising practices that build parent representation in state systems. The seminar featured family leadership experts from Maine, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Vermont, and the National Center for Family and Parent Leadership. We also completed a Family Leadership Inventory survey and released a Family Leadership Dashboard to document opportunities for parents and caregivers to advise on state policymaking and system-wide efforts in Vermont. 

We are making great progress in building spaces of shared learning and partnership. 

Thank you to our members, partners, and colleagues for your support and for growing with us. We look forward to our continued partnership and learning.
As one way to learn more about families, we are currently recruiting parents and caregivers with young children (birth to 5 years old) to participate in the RAPID Family Needs Assessment. This survey seeks to better understand family needs and well-being. If you are interested in participating or sharing this opportunity with others, please contact [email protected].