The public policy making process can be unpredictable and confusing. As a result, it can be difficult to stay informed about changes impacting your family, your community, and the programs and organizations you rely on. This is why Building Bright Futures (BBF) has explored and is launching a new public affairs and legislative monitoring tool called Quorum. Every year, BBF’s State Advisory Council votes on a set of Policy Recommendations to elevate urgent, statewide issues and priorities that need to be addressed. The annual Policy Recommendations are a tool that requires both championing and monitoring in order to be successful.
Quorum allows us to monitor legislation being considered in Montpelier related to the early childhood system and to track bills through the legislative process. We have created automatically updating sheets that will track legislation during the current legislative session related to BBF’s 2025 Policy Recommendations and Vermont’s Early Childhood Action Plan (VECAP) more broadly. We hope that by making this information publicly available, the policymaking process can be more transparent and accessible to more people, including BBF Network partners. Broader participation and clearer, more accessible opportunities for input lead to better policy decisions.
You can find both of our Quorum legislative tracking sheets here, or you can visit the individual tracking sheets directly here:
2025 Policy Recommendation Legislative Tracking Sheet 2025 VECAP Priorities Legislative Tracking SheetWe hope this can be an interactive resource for our network and partners. Please let us know what you think and how we could make this tool more useful to you.
We’d like to know:
- What do you like about this tool?
- How could you see yourself using it?
- Would you like to see more information about the bill in the columns? Less?
- Are there other bills you are tracking or are aware of that you would like to see included here?
- What else would you like to know?
You can provide feedback by emailing [email protected] or by completing this Quorum Feedback Form.