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Data and Evaluation Committee Meeting
March 20 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Contact Hannah at [email protected] for meeting information. The Data and Evaluation Committee meets virtually on a quarterly basis on the third Thursday in March, June, September, and December/January.
The Data and Evaluation Committee is charged with prioritizing the vision for, and progress towards, data integration; creating and monitoring a data development agenda and priorities for Vermont’s Early Childhood System (prenatal through age 8); serving as the accountability mechanism to monitor progress toward the four goals of the VECAP; and serving as a primary advisor for research, data, and evaluation efforts. The committee executes this charge by convening data stewards, agency leaders, and content and evaluation experts to discuss the strategy, challenges, capacity, and infrastructure in place, or needed, to consistently use evidence and high-quality data to inform policy and programs within Vermont’s early childhood system.